Friday, December 30, 2011

1 cm

1 cm... was the only phrase i remembered after my internal exam. i was thrilled at the same time anxious. my last pregnancy was via CS. after series of tests and screening, my doctor finally decided to try vbac (vaginal birth after cesarean). minsan nga, she would refer it as vdac (vaginal delivery after cesarean) kaya confused ako. ano ba dapat, vbac or vdac? (ma-google nga =D)

anyways, why am i so anxious when i had a normal delivery before? well, because on my last nsd (normal spontaneous delivery), i was drowned with anesthesia during my delivery. as a result, nung episiorraphy na (repair of the episiotomy - the cut made between the vagina and the anus) i can feel the needle and the suture being pulled. ang sakit! grabe!

sana this one will be different. dawn will be going out anytime now. aog= 38 weeks, 4 days =D