Wednesday, December 4, 2013


it's ironic that my summer, who's very good in speaking in english, was the entry for tula in the recently held ACSAC competition. i really didn't expect her to win because during her early practices, she was not that thrilled in performing. although she was able to memorize her piece, and the actions needed, i can sense that something was still missing. i can vividly remember that during one of those practices, she told me that she's not good as her kuya. i didn't boost that. in fact, it made me think...why would summer say that? did i expect too much from her?

in their last day of practice, a day before the contest, she wants to go home early but because there was much polishing to do, she was not able to. i saw summer cry. on the contest itself, summer was number one. i guess she was startled to see those three judges starring at her that she didn't talk on the first call. on the second call, she did talk...but there was no action. no movement. 

i was disappointed a bit but i didn't dwell on it too much. this is not the last time after all....

there she is, standing like a quiet little girl

before the contest


wacky! ...taken after the contest

we love you baby!
