Wednesday, October 27, 2010

finally =D

finally, after four attempts, i saw my best buddies choc and aileen. it was such a short, meaningful, lovely and fruitful evening. its always fun being with them. isa lang ang tag line ko tonight....sana maulit muli! =D

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

i cried.

It was almost 5pm yesterday and we were at Boom na Boom's kulturang pilipino presentation (it's BAPHIL's field trip and we went along =D). everything was fun and enjoyable until we went to the last part of the film showing and that is....the poem entitled "SA AKING PAGTANDA". The poem had a strong impact on me especially now that my aunt, my mom and my dad are already at their senior citizen years. I cried a public. At first i felt awkward but i just have to let it out. After all, my prof once told me that keeping those emotions within you will cause a lot of pain someday (physical pain and emotional pain). It was a nice piece. A piece that kept me contemplating if am making a good job keeping my "old" loved ones happy and loved.

It's 3am today when i opened my facebook account. I saw aileen's note. The internet was kind of slow so while opening it, i was asking myself if its for me or not, and if its not for me, who could she be referring to? does aileen have a new best friend? believe me, my thoughts were faster than the network! When i read it, i was dumbfounded. then, i cried again. what the heck, i miss my best friend! Been with her for almost 20 years now and since she got rich (hehe, i hope she'll smile when she reads this...well i hope she knows that i have a blog!?!) we barely have time to see each other or talk to each other. she's right. i am updated with her because of face book (thank you God for face book). we barely text each other or call each other but nonetheless, i pray for her everyday. Well i hope we can have time to go out again soon to make up for the lost time...

Monday, October 25, 2010

two is four times the work =p

Being a mother is tiring but fulfilling especially when your kids are still toddlers i think, because that's the time when they walk as they run, talk as they demand, eat and be full while not eating anything, and many more of that ....

yesterday was a test of my patience...while i was busy cleaning the kitchen i saw summer and rain just sitting down at the sofa and watching DORA the explorer series. It wasn't an unusual incident but something in me felt that something was going on so i waked quietly to their place and presto! i saw my dental floss, being pulled by summer as rain was busy knotting it at the end of his car! poor dental floss.... =c

Sunday, October 24, 2010


i checked my friend requests on facebook and i have many. Most of the pending accounts are from my recent students who failed my subject. well it's not that i don't want to befriend my students or something. I actually have some of them as my friends already. I added my students because i have the fetish of checking my number of friends and i want it to reach 1000. shallow reason. now most of them wants to be my friend so i'm now confused. should i add them? even though they failed in my subject? what if they curse me or get mad at me and it will be seen in my profile. huh...paranoia. familiarity breeds contempt.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

my dream

today, i woke up feeling awkward...why? because i dreamed about my ex boyfriend! my goodness...that guy is still haunting me after all these years. siguro type pa nya ako till now, hehehe! ( i just love myself)...well, the dream was that we were together, we had a baby..its a girl and she's beautful. after awhile, there were zombies following us and we have to run carrying our baby girl. we arrived at a church then we decided to part ways. i told him that he can have the baby, after all i already have a baby girl of my own, and he was happy....kakalaro ko din siguro ng plants vs zombies...hay...ex bfs...they come and go... =D

Monday, October 11, 2010


i know its cliche but time really passes so quickly that there are times you just have to sit, relax, take a deep breath and enjoy the moments God gave you.

I am not feeling so good today. well i tried to act naturally, as if nothing bad is happening to me but the force of pain is there and i just can't take it away. am having abdominal cramps and i'm so scared that this cramps will lead to something else. woman's instinct. pre empt =D i was asking myself on my way home from school some morbid questions like, why don't i want to die? well i've contemplated well enough that i arrived at some reasons why i still want to live =D

(1) for my husband. we've been loving each other for nearly 13 years now. i know 13 is sometimes an unlucky number but i don't believe in luck. good thing. my husband has been there for me and i still want to love him the way he had loved me.

(2) for rain and summer. my goodness. my kids are still young. rain is 3 and summer will be turning 2 this december. sometimes i get to think...i should have been pregnant when i was younger so i can still enjoy running, playing, crawling, reading with these kids. well, God really has His own time.

(3) for my family. i love my dad and my mom sooooo much. i think i haven't done enough to make them so happy so i still want to live longer and be a part of the happiness they deserve. i love my parents so much. whenever i would pray to God about them, i want to cry. though its not man's destiny to live forever, i want my parents to live forever.

(4) for my fourth reason, well i haven't think of any yet....and i think this will be a good reason for me to live that i could enumerate more reasons for living =D how's to that???

my abdomen is still hurting but i feel better now. =D