Tuesday, October 26, 2010

i cried.

It was almost 5pm yesterday and we were at Boom na Boom's kulturang pilipino presentation (it's BAPHIL's field trip and we went along =D). everything was fun and enjoyable until we went to the last part of the film showing and that is....the poem entitled "SA AKING PAGTANDA". The poem had a strong impact on me especially now that my aunt, my mom and my dad are already at their senior citizen years. I cried a river...in public. At first i felt awkward but i just have to let it out. After all, my prof once told me that keeping those emotions within you will cause a lot of pain someday (physical pain and emotional pain). It was a nice piece. A piece that kept me contemplating if am making a good job keeping my "old" loved ones happy and loved.

It's 3am today when i opened my facebook account. I saw aileen's note. The internet was kind of slow so while opening it, i was asking myself if its for me or not, and if its not for me, who could she be referring to? does aileen have a new best friend? believe me, my thoughts were faster than the network! When i read it, i was dumbfounded. then, i cried again. what the heck, i miss my best friend! Been with her for almost 20 years now and since she got rich (hehe, i hope she'll smile when she reads this...well i hope she knows that i have a blog!?!) we barely have time to see each other or talk to each other. she's right. i am updated with her because of face book (thank you God for face book). we barely text each other or call each other but nonetheless, i pray for her everyday. Well i hope we can have time to go out again soon to make up for the lost time...

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