Saturday, April 21, 2012


"When Valentina was not even one month old, my aunt gave me the best advice: 
PUT HER TO SLEEP YOURSELF EVERY NIGHT. SING TO HER AND CRADLE HER IN YOUR ARMS AND SIT BY HER SIDE ---EVERY NIGHT. Because one day you won't be able to, and it's going to happen really fast."
Salma Hayek in This Mom's Life (fr a magazine)

i was quiet after i read Salma Hayek's statement. it was definitely true. every part of it.

i time traveled through my thoughts. i can still remember when i was just cradling baby rain and baby summer. now, they can run so fast that i can hardly catch them whenever we play tag. sometimes, i would wish that i was just at home back when they were babies like dawn. when i can embrace them soooo tight whenever i want to (well now, rain and summer would, please let go. i can't breathe...whenever i hug them). 

well, good news, i am always at home. i get to see their firsts and lasts.... =D

thanks ate lhen buenaluz for the advice you gave me last year and for pushing me to go through it. as what sister cheche said last sunday (at church), you can see the rewards just by looking at those medals they have and will be having. =D

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