Saturday, May 26, 2012


after i tasted lynet's blueberry cheesecake (lynet was my former co-teacher at feu), i've been wanting to make my own version of it. thanks to JR (miss you bakla!) for writing down all the ingredients and "how to doS" on my planner when we were at cavite four years ago =D

since i'm the official chef at our home and rain and summer loves to help me with everything,we made our very own blueberry cheesecake. whoa! no-bake.

i think rain and summer enjoyed making the cheesecake because they readily told me that when they grow up, they want to become chefs. well, it's better than rain's wish to become a janitor someday =D  (naalala ko tuloy si lester, clark at aj...janitor =D)

so if you haven't tried this one yet and you want to know the recipe for the no-bake cheesecake, here we go:

1 tbsp of gelatin dissolved in 3 tbsps water or fresh milk
sugar to taste (it depends on your taste buds if you want it
sweet or just right. i added 3 tbsp of sugar for the crust)
butter, 3/4 slice from the 200g pack
1 tbsp vanilla
2 225g cream chesse
2 250ml nestle cream - my substitute for the thick cream
1 pack crushed graham
1 can blueberry
and 1 pc of summer =D
Step 1: for the crust, spread the graham on your bowl. add the melted butter and sugar. mix well then press on a pie plate or removable bottom pan. chill for 15-20 minutes.

rain and daddy's hand, pressing the crust
Step 2: for the filling, beat cream cheese and sugar until well blended. add the dissolved unflavored gelatin while it is still hot. beat to blend. in a separate bowl, whip cream until stiff and fold into cream cheese mixture.

mixer please! =D
aisa and summer - wala lang =D
Pour onto crumb-lined pan then top it with blueberries in syrup. chill for 4-6 hours. then slice! =D

before freezing - thanks to rain for licking some of the blueberries, =D
enjoy! =D


summer seems to be talking so much lately. aside from her series of why and why not questions, here are some of her opinions lately...

on going to church
me: summer, am sorry but mommy can't go to church with you
summer: why mom?
me: because of mommy's sugat
summer: okay mom but next time you should go to church. on sunday, you should go to church. don't forget yourself, okay?  (hehe...okay =D)

while talking with rain
summer: kuya, stop doing that...
rain: what?
summer: (shouts) stop playing tricks on me! - anu daw??? ang cute!

on praying
summer: mom, i'll pray to God about your sugat
mom: thank you baby. thanks for praying for me
summer: okay, i'll pray na....Lord, thank you for my mommy's sugat. in Jesus name i pray, amen! (amen! =D)

Sunday, May 20, 2012


The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes are at our house =D after almost two weeks of praying, wishing and hoping, Rain finally got what he likes the most =D 

can't buy the look of happiness in his face when i saw him have these. . .  


smiling face =D


our story for the day =D

Once upon a time, in an island there lived all the feelings and emotions : Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats left. Except for Love.

Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.

When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

Richness was passing by Love in a boat. Love said, 
"Richness, can you take me with you?"
Richness answered, "Sorry Love, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and so there is no place here for you."

Love next asked Vanity, who was also sailing by. Vanity was also ready with the same answer.
"I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.

Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, take me along with you."
"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!", sadness said in a sullen voice.

Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so preoccupied with her happiness that she did not even hear when Love called her.

Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. An overjoyed Love jumped up into the boat and in the process forgot to ask where they were going. When they arrived at a dry land, the elder went her own way.

Realizing how much was owed to the elder, Love asked Knowledge another elder, "Who Helped me?"
"It was Time," Knowledge answered.
"Time?" thought Love. Then, as if reading the face of Love, Knowledge smiled and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."

our little princess with their 1st book
shelf - 650 books an counting =D

Friday, May 18, 2012


it's candy day tomorrow. look at what summer had taken at our store last school year....

my ever sweet summer can't have candy without including
her kuya rain
i thank God they know how to share =D

Sunday, May 13, 2012


everyday, i never go to sleep without thanking God for the perfect gift of life (as for me, it's perfect!) that i have. i may have problems at times but God has blessed me and surrounded me with people who loves me truly and cares for me so much.

and out of those perfect persons that make my life happy is my mom... the quiet little angel who has been with me since my first breathe of oxygen in this mother earth.

mommy was never a friend to me when i was young. she was my mother. i was not able to tell her who my crushes were and even my secrets. she was my teacher when i was in grade 2 and God has blessed the day when my name would not be included in the list of the most noisy students in the class. nevertheless, inside our room, i would call her mam. i remember that i once forgot to call her mam when she was distributing our journal. instead of giving to me my paper, she asked me, ano ang tinawag mo sa akin? then i said, mommy. she asked again, ano ang tinawag mo sa akin? then i said mam. that's the only time she gave my journal.

my mom is a disciplinarian. when i was in high school, she would not falter to wake me up at 7am. even though i love to wrap myself in my blanket because it's vacation, she would explain that i need to help her with the household chores because someday, i would benefit from all the things that i know. i didn't understand her then. for me, all that my mom did was for her welfare. i was not familiar with the term child abuse then but believe me, if i do know about it, i might have ranted it to her.

mom taught me time management. when i was in grade 4, before i could watch popeye or richie rich on television, i have to make her coffee first. this became a habit that before 3 o'clock in the afternoon when mom was supposed to go home, i would prepare her glass of water and coffee so i would not be late in watching my fave tv program.

mom taught me the value of money. i am a giver because of her. well, i have this dark secret that i only revealed to her recently and she just laughed about it. i told her that whenever i would go inside her classroom when i was in grade 5, i would pretend that i am there to listen to her teach her pupils (mom was aware that i like to become a teacher someday). she didn't know that while my eyes were focused on her, my hand is sinning! i would grasp a handful of coins from her money box and i would use those coins to buy marshmallow with chocolate (like wiggles now =D). i would later on give some mallows to my friends and classmates. yes, am a giver! =D

mommy taught me how to be professional at work by being disciplined. i never caught her being late nor absent,  with reason or no reason at all. in her 32 years of teaching, mommy only got absent last january when my dad had his prostate operation. other than that, mommy manages to go to school everyday.

mom is a disciplinarian and a spoiler. i use to get all the things that i need and i want. i don't know how mom did it but despite of being a spoiler, i gained self control over things that i can't really have.

mom taught me the meaning of being selfless by being there before i knew it. there was no single moment in my life that mom was not there. we may have some quarrels when i was young but when i became a mom, i did understand her. more than anything in this world, am happy because mommy is still there, just a text away, just a phone call away and even just a few steps away.

there's so much more to say but i have to save it for next year. happy mother's day to the most wonderful mom in the whole wide world (well, i know your mom is the best too but this is my blog =D =D =D - my mom gets the credit!)

my mom, i love you forever!

mom and summer

going home =D

venus and jomars wedding

we are family! =D

at my Master of Arts in Nursing graduation

after graduation =D

mom and dad at avilon zoo

my two angels

i love you mom!

at summer's birthday

Saturday, May 12, 2012


adrielle dawn is four months now. that fast? i know. i myself was surprised. it seems that it was only yesterday when i was nursing dawn at the nursery at st vincent hospital.

she was quite a chunk two months ago and people often mistake her for a fourth month old but now, she only gained a couple of weight so she's 6.8lbs. her cheeks and legs are irresistible. she is our happy little princess. she has a  big smile that often stop mommy lina and mama flora on whatever they are doing. she smiles at pretty much anyone that comes near her, including her own reflection in the mirror. she also has a ticklish belly and coos and laughs so loud whenever we give her our attention.

she can now roll from side to side and i think she's starting to figure out how she could roll over. whenever we sleep, i often get surprised finding her so far from my side. she so much mobile making me feel so wary. i am having a hard time bathing her unlike before where she just sits on her tub like a clam. =D

our little angle is such a good girl that's why i get so confused because whenever allan gets to hold her at night, she gets so feisty and fussy but stops almost instantly whenever i get her from allan.

she is a sleeper (like daddy) and had already stopped her six o'clock habit where she cries so loud, nonstop for 30 to 40 minutes (thank God!). she sleeps at 8 or 9 in the evening and wakes up at 6am. i nurse her two to three times each night.

she now has the eye for food. she would usually stare at anyone of us whenever she would catch us eating. she looks at the food and stares at us as if she's asking if she can eat too. she's a grabber (as i weaned her early from her mittens, thanks for Med's advice!). she loves holding my hair and  my clothes. she loves putting everything into her mouth especially her two little hands and trust me, she can fit the whole thing in there, haha!

dawn...she's our little angel that's making us calm, happy and smiley all day long, from dusk to dawn =D

10 days of dawn =D
little mermaid suit from mama lina =D
a beginner in thumb sucking
happy two months old baby!
rain loves her so much. every morning, he would greet her:
good morning princess! how was your sleep? =D
summer loves her just the same. dawn gets dozens of
hugs and kisses in a day
our sweet little baby
her first barbie dress
fuzzy little dawn. thanks to daddy!

Friday, May 11, 2012


because angry bird is "in", mama lina decided to buy
them the shirt due to their consistent whining =D
angry bird....well i don't know why their name has a negative connotation to me. maybe because out of the numerous descriptive words that they can choose from, the authors choose the word angry. napaka negative ang dating sa akin. pwede namang love birds (anu ba? passe...), beautiful birds (duh?!), unique birds, face birds, anything....pero angry? hmmm.....

well, sabi ni papa j, kaya daw angry bird yan eh dahil sa pig. hay naku, mga baboy talaga. pati ang pobreng ibon ginagalit. tao pa kaya?! (maka double meaning lang =D)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

lapnos 2

it's my 6th day as a burnt patient. i am still having a hard time walking but am feeling better. better than what i felt in day two. in day two kasi, i went back to the hospital. i know what's going to happen so i bought my thick towel along para doon ko ibubuhos lahat ng emotions ko =D. so, what winston did first is that binuhusan nya muna ng malamig na tubig yung area. after that, tinanggal nya yung gauze (ouch!) then removed the excess dead skin in the burned area. finally, he removed the pus by scraping the area with a gauze. he did it 6x so after the procedure, i can hardly walk. third day, i didn't go back to the hospital na. sobrang torture yung naramdaman ko. super sakit.

third day, i didn't go back to the hospital. i bravely pulled the gauze all by myself and cleanse it.

as i was typing this, dumadampi sa burned area tong siko ko. i felt the heat coming out from the area. siguro nagre regenerate ang mga cells ko. hay, sabi nga ni honey, sana si wolverine na lang ako. =D sana nga!

Disclaimer: these are the actual pictures of the burned area. if you can't take it, better not look at the following photos. i will not be liable for any untoward side effect that will happen to you after you see these pictures. hehe...

6th day...start ng paghilom nya, i think =D
2nd day, mahirap syang ilakad. maayos
ang pagka wrap ni winston, in fairness =D
what winston got on the 2nd day
mayo? nope! flammazine yan!
pain scale = 9 (highest is 10)
grabe, nakakaya ko ba talaga to? =D