Saturday, May 12, 2012


adrielle dawn is four months now. that fast? i know. i myself was surprised. it seems that it was only yesterday when i was nursing dawn at the nursery at st vincent hospital.

she was quite a chunk two months ago and people often mistake her for a fourth month old but now, she only gained a couple of weight so she's 6.8lbs. her cheeks and legs are irresistible. she is our happy little princess. she has a  big smile that often stop mommy lina and mama flora on whatever they are doing. she smiles at pretty much anyone that comes near her, including her own reflection in the mirror. she also has a ticklish belly and coos and laughs so loud whenever we give her our attention.

she can now roll from side to side and i think she's starting to figure out how she could roll over. whenever we sleep, i often get surprised finding her so far from my side. she so much mobile making me feel so wary. i am having a hard time bathing her unlike before where she just sits on her tub like a clam. =D

our little angle is such a good girl that's why i get so confused because whenever allan gets to hold her at night, she gets so feisty and fussy but stops almost instantly whenever i get her from allan.

she is a sleeper (like daddy) and had already stopped her six o'clock habit where she cries so loud, nonstop for 30 to 40 minutes (thank God!). she sleeps at 8 or 9 in the evening and wakes up at 6am. i nurse her two to three times each night.

she now has the eye for food. she would usually stare at anyone of us whenever she would catch us eating. she looks at the food and stares at us as if she's asking if she can eat too. she's a grabber (as i weaned her early from her mittens, thanks for Med's advice!). she loves holding my hair and  my clothes. she loves putting everything into her mouth especially her two little hands and trust me, she can fit the whole thing in there, haha!

dawn...she's our little angel that's making us calm, happy and smiley all day long, from dusk to dawn =D

10 days of dawn =D
little mermaid suit from mama lina =D
a beginner in thumb sucking
happy two months old baby!
rain loves her so much. every morning, he would greet her:
good morning princess! how was your sleep? =D
summer loves her just the same. dawn gets dozens of
hugs and kisses in a day
our sweet little baby
her first barbie dress
fuzzy little dawn. thanks to daddy!

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