Saturday, May 26, 2012


summer seems to be talking so much lately. aside from her series of why and why not questions, here are some of her opinions lately...

on going to church
me: summer, am sorry but mommy can't go to church with you
summer: why mom?
me: because of mommy's sugat
summer: okay mom but next time you should go to church. on sunday, you should go to church. don't forget yourself, okay?  (hehe...okay =D)

while talking with rain
summer: kuya, stop doing that...
rain: what?
summer: (shouts) stop playing tricks on me! - anu daw??? ang cute!

on praying
summer: mom, i'll pray to God about your sugat
mom: thank you baby. thanks for praying for me
summer: okay, i'll pray na....Lord, thank you for my mommy's sugat. in Jesus name i pray, amen! (amen! =D)

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