Monday, November 29, 2010


we had our family day today. it was fun and the fellowship that we had we our church mates was worthwhile. the time was well spent except that majority of the structured games do not co-relate with the team building activities that we are supposed to have. 

i think most of the games were games for the mind. the staff concentrated on games such as PUZZLES and PINOY HENYO type, BRING ME (not included in the games for the mind).the games were not appropriate for a group game especially if the group is a family. i think that it would be better if the games were designed for family team building like games for dad and son, mother and daughter, couples, the likes. The games should have an enlightening lesson to be discussed by the staff at the end of each session. in that way, processing will come in easily. I also think that most of the games held can be done indoors, the opportunity to be outdoors was wasted.

well now, you can call me a critique. i am. i am very good in critiquing. its my forte. but, come to think of it, my comments make sense. if you read this, its either you will accept what is written (freedom of expression) or grumble about it. if you choice option two, think again. you might be heading to a blind curve and you dont want that to happen right? =p

Sunday, November 28, 2010

adobo =D

i love cooking adobo. sa totoo lang, kung meron man akong specialty na pinagmamalaki ko sa asawa ko, adobo yun. he even told that he will never get tired of eating my home made adobo. inisip ko tuloy, yun na lang kaya ang iluto ko sa araw araw? at least he will go home excited and be happy every dinner time. too bad, adobo is relative sa high blood pressure.

sa buhay natin, kung puro adobo na lang ng adobo ang food intake natin, napaka walang kwenta ng ating magiging 3-day diet recall. our humanness can always lead us to immeasurable boundaries kaya kahit masarap ang isang bagay at naging comfort zone na natin for quite sometime, we should still expand and grow. don't be afraid of growing because growing will always be a part of living. and we should live well enough. hay...adobo...masarap pero hindi dapat madalas =D

Sunday, November 21, 2010

3 wishes

i have actually three places that i want go to before i leave planet earth. i saw this picture of my friend playing in the snow and i envy her. therefore, any place where there's snow is a priority. i want to touch a real snow, play with it, eat it (can it be eaten?), hold it, any thing...i want to make my own snowman and take a picture of it. i want a picture of me with a snow angel shadow at my back. sounds so cool. =D

second is the Universal Studios in USA. i want to visit that place...well, my husband told me that we can't afford universal studios in usa for now so he got me settled in universal studios at singapore. okay. that would do.... for now...

third, of course, i haven't even met a person who do not want to go to Disneyland, so its my third option. I would love to go to Disneyland in Orange County California because i know that its the "real" Disneyland and that its bigger, better than the one in Hongkong. nevertheless, i wanna see what Hongkong Disneyland has to offer also. 

well, if i'd have an extra money for my other visits, i would love to go to Hawaii, Mexico, Rome, Israel, Paris, Europe, Atlantis.....whoa! that's a lot! wish i could live long enough to be able to go where i want to go =D


sick and tired of plastics. they ruin the environment and is very un-mother earth friendly (i don't know if there's such a term). i hate those persons who continue to use plastic and get to be so irresponsible in discarding them. users! i hate global warmers (watch my term,haha!) too. they burn whatever things they wanted to burn. i think the social conscience of other people is slowly deteriorating. growing old isn't always parallel with increased responsibility.

i hate people who are plastic! today i heard so many stories involving my friends from abroad and my friends here in the philippines. technology spreads news like rain. and sometimes the people whom you think you trusted are the same people who don't trust you at all. ironic?'s reality. plastic people are everywhere. watch out!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

no comments

a ghost has been reading my blog since AJ posted my link on his profile. =D unknown readers. but its okay.a t least my tab is increasing in number. its now 50 plus from 5. what an increase!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


last friday, after the student's orientation at bsu, we went to YANGSKU for our lunch. i was really starving at the time that we arrived there because it was past 12nn. we patiently waited for the meal for 15 minutes but after 15minutes, there's no sign of our meal yet. the waiter could have informed us about the delay but the staff there weren't courteous enough to do that. it took us 40minutes to finally have the meal on our hands and when we got it, i was not satisfied. rice was cold, chicken didn't taste the way i expected it to be. now i have two options. i will never go and eat at yangsku again or i will eat there but will not other chicken again. i choose option one.