Monday, November 29, 2010


we had our family day today. it was fun and the fellowship that we had we our church mates was worthwhile. the time was well spent except that majority of the structured games do not co-relate with the team building activities that we are supposed to have. 

i think most of the games were games for the mind. the staff concentrated on games such as PUZZLES and PINOY HENYO type, BRING ME (not included in the games for the mind).the games were not appropriate for a group game especially if the group is a family. i think that it would be better if the games were designed for family team building like games for dad and son, mother and daughter, couples, the likes. The games should have an enlightening lesson to be discussed by the staff at the end of each session. in that way, processing will come in easily. I also think that most of the games held can be done indoors, the opportunity to be outdoors was wasted.

well now, you can call me a critique. i am. i am very good in critiquing. its my forte. but, come to think of it, my comments make sense. if you read this, its either you will accept what is written (freedom of expression) or grumble about it. if you choice option two, think again. you might be heading to a blind curve and you dont want that to happen right? =p

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