Tuesday, June 12, 2012


dawn turned five months last june 5. gee, its a fast journey and often times my wish is that time would slow down a bit so i can have my full satisfaction in her baby years. what i feel now is that i can never have enough of dawn. =D 

she's now 7.9lbs and her weight would often make my arms feel sore because i love to carry her. she has a good distribution of baby fats and she's already wearing clothes that summer wore when she was just 10 months old. on a side note, i find it impossible not to compare rain, summer and dawn as babies. not in a competitive way but just for comparison. 

i noticed that dawn is now good in bending her legs as she assumes a standing position. she would make my tummy as her base then would carry herself up. she's strong! she's now an expert roller and she can now move from the edge of the bed going to the other. i don't think crawling will be far off. 

awhile ago, while i was nursing her, she bit my nipples thrice. i can't help but cry on her third time (gawin daw bang teether ang nipple ko? huhuhu. poor me). i suspected that may be she's having a 
tooth but when i checked her gums, no sign of a tooth yet so, feel lang nyang mangkagat =D

dawn is the happiest, smiliest baby i had (she would smile with her whole body). when allan comes home, no matter how crappy his day has been, when dawn smiles at him, he can never resist her charm. that's why i arrived at an intuition that dawn will be labeled as the "daddy's girl" in the family =D 

she's starting to sit unassisted in her baby bath tub when she takes a bath. she would hold the side of her tub as if she never would want to let it go (i miss bathing dawn - never done so since i had my scald burn). when doing nothing, she would strongly wrap her hands around my fingers and she would direct it to her mouth. i tried giving her way once and i giggled when i felt her gums and tongue playing on my finger. (as allan would say, cute yun pag baby. pag matanda hindi na!) 

she started to eat solid foods. she loves banana and she could eat a whole and would still non-verbally ask for more =D rain and summer would often tease her to be the little monkey in the family but am sure that they sooooo love their baby sister. in fact, when they wake up in the morning, their instinct would be to look for dawn =D

as i am writing this, she's having her two hour nap and it's almost time for her to wake up. i am worried because she has colds (due to climate change - as in climate change talaga???) and she can hardly breathe at night that's why she gets so fussy. i hope can feels better soon. =D til next month =D 

thanks mama lina =D
happy 5th monthsary dawn =D

rain, dawn and summer
seriously hungry =D

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