Saturday, December 25, 2010


paskong pasko na nga! happiness....

MERRY CHRISTMAS sa nag iisang follower ko! love you papa j! =D

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


yesterday, my husband allan, my daughter summer and i went to amang rodriquez memorial hospital for our yearly gift daughter summer, after i gave birth, has been confined there for almost a month and since she got well, now alive and very healthy, we decided that every summer's birthday would be a gift giving day.we didn't actually go there on the dot on her birthday because it was last december 10 but we went there yesterday. entering the hospital wraps me up with memories and because of that, i was not able to contain myself. i was smiling outside but i was crying inside. tears of contentment and joy.i was thanking God on our way for giving us our precious baby girl =D

today, as i was surfing my facebook profile, i was able to see a shout-out that totally changed my mood for the day. it was able my ex-boyfriend who finally found someone. i don't know if i am supposed to feel this way but honestly, i am not happy. the first thing that came into my mind was to block my ex's profile. my friend AJ told me that when you block someone else's profile, it will not appear on their wall. safe. but, i asked myself, why would i block his profile? answer: so that i won't be updated with his sweet shout outs and then i wouldn't be affected anymore. why am i affected? well because for a long time, whenever we get to talk, he always tells me that he still loves me and that it's still me who we wants to be with all his there it is....the main reason for my being unhappy is because: i am a selfish bitch and a selfish ex girlfriend! gosh, i hate myself.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

city ville =D

BEFORE, i have two reasons why i'm always eager to surf the net everyday of my life.
first, because of facebook. i can get virtual connections to my friends because of facebook that's why i so love it. parang ka-on line relationship ko at once and 1300 plus friends ko. amazing. incredible. addictive.

second, i love to surf on airline promos. before, i would goggle on what's the latest promo on cebu pacific. but not, my passion airline is air philippines. bigger and better. =D who on earth do not want that? hehe

BUT NOW.... i have my third reason...cityville.

my goodness. i never thought i would be this "addicted" in building cities, farming, franchising, visiting other cities, etc. kung sino man ang nakainvent ng city ville, nakakaloka ka. you gave me another reason to sit down, face my computer, increase my electric bill, decrease my quality time with my kids, and increase my time imagining and thinking on how to buy and save for my city. kaloka talaga. well, just like farmville, i know that one day soon, i'll get the snap out of it and forget about this whole thing again. I'd be back on my old silly self..... just like the way it used to be =D

Thursday, December 9, 2010

summer's day

today is summer's birthday.

my baby girl is now 2 years old. there goes the cliche again...time flies...before i know it, my baby will be a lady. sometimes, i wish that time would stop so that i could have summer as my baby forever...wishes.

two years ago, after summer was born (December 10,2008) at 11:45pm, her pediatrician approached me and said that she's in critical condition. i was still groggy but i heard her and because of that, i was restless the whole time. i cant go to sleep. i was shocked.

it was after a day that i finally got up out of bed and walked in the ICU so i could see summer. my stitch from the previous cesarean section that i had was so painful and each walk crushes my whole body. i did my best to see her and when i did, the pain from my stitches vanished. it was replaced with pain deep within me. a pain that i couldn't explain and express. my body is not crushing anymore but my heart is. seeing summer with gadgets and tubes makes me want to die.

i still cant forget her endotracheal tube, the oxygen mask, the oxygen tent, the nasogastric tube, so many gadgets that was attached to her so that she could live. the countless x-rays, blood studies, arterial blood gas interpretation, iv insertion that was made for her so that she can be monitored. her facial skin that was peeled off after a plaster was removed still seems vivid to me. her IV insertion scars from her hands and feet still reminds me that my angel, after all of these things, survived and thats a miracle. i could never thank God enough for giving me Summer, His piece of miracle in our lives =D

Friday, December 3, 2010

richie rich

Facebook's newest expression of anti-child abuse is by posting your favorite cartoon character when you were still a child. well, i know that deep within ourselves lie a child like spirit that makes us happy and warm. i love Richie rich. it's one of the reasons why i wanted to go home straight during weekdays. its my alarm clock every 3pm that even when am comfortable lying in bed, i just have to get up and watch it. it is also the time when my mom would come home from school, and we would watch Richie rich together after i make her cup of coffee. She says that i make a perfect cup of coffee. I love the feeling when i can sit down next to my mom because that's the time when i can embrace her all i want. i love Richie rich especially now that whenever i get to see it, it brings some childhood memories in me that can make me smile sweetly. =D