Wednesday, December 22, 2010


yesterday, my husband allan, my daughter summer and i went to amang rodriquez memorial hospital for our yearly gift daughter summer, after i gave birth, has been confined there for almost a month and since she got well, now alive and very healthy, we decided that every summer's birthday would be a gift giving day.we didn't actually go there on the dot on her birthday because it was last december 10 but we went there yesterday. entering the hospital wraps me up with memories and because of that, i was not able to contain myself. i was smiling outside but i was crying inside. tears of contentment and joy.i was thanking God on our way for giving us our precious baby girl =D

today, as i was surfing my facebook profile, i was able to see a shout-out that totally changed my mood for the day. it was able my ex-boyfriend who finally found someone. i don't know if i am supposed to feel this way but honestly, i am not happy. the first thing that came into my mind was to block my ex's profile. my friend AJ told me that when you block someone else's profile, it will not appear on their wall. safe. but, i asked myself, why would i block his profile? answer: so that i won't be updated with his sweet shout outs and then i wouldn't be affected anymore. why am i affected? well because for a long time, whenever we get to talk, he always tells me that he still loves me and that it's still me who we wants to be with all his there it is....the main reason for my being unhappy is because: i am a selfish bitch and a selfish ex girlfriend! gosh, i hate myself.

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