Thursday, December 9, 2010

summer's day

today is summer's birthday.

my baby girl is now 2 years old. there goes the cliche again...time flies...before i know it, my baby will be a lady. sometimes, i wish that time would stop so that i could have summer as my baby forever...wishes.

two years ago, after summer was born (December 10,2008) at 11:45pm, her pediatrician approached me and said that she's in critical condition. i was still groggy but i heard her and because of that, i was restless the whole time. i cant go to sleep. i was shocked.

it was after a day that i finally got up out of bed and walked in the ICU so i could see summer. my stitch from the previous cesarean section that i had was so painful and each walk crushes my whole body. i did my best to see her and when i did, the pain from my stitches vanished. it was replaced with pain deep within me. a pain that i couldn't explain and express. my body is not crushing anymore but my heart is. seeing summer with gadgets and tubes makes me want to die.

i still cant forget her endotracheal tube, the oxygen mask, the oxygen tent, the nasogastric tube, so many gadgets that was attached to her so that she could live. the countless x-rays, blood studies, arterial blood gas interpretation, iv insertion that was made for her so that she can be monitored. her facial skin that was peeled off after a plaster was removed still seems vivid to me. her IV insertion scars from her hands and feet still reminds me that my angel, after all of these things, survived and thats a miracle. i could never thank God enough for giving me Summer, His piece of miracle in our lives =D

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