Tuesday, February 15, 2011


have you ever tried one of these?

rain calls them cherries =D
had a taste of manzanilla (aka aratiles - dunno if i spelled it correctly, i hope i did!) once again when we were at pangasinan with my family. the tree was there and it was so enticing! every branch has a bunch of ripe, cherry looking manzanilla and we just can't help it. we have to go up through chairs, climb, stoop, just to get some fruits for rain and summer...

and because of that, i remembered some childhood memories....when i was 8 years old, i would go home earlier just to get some manzanilla from our neighbor's tree. home earlier because, its like 2pm and none of my friends would be out by that time because they were sleeping. in that case, i feel like i technically "own the tree". the passion ended when i stepped in high school. climbing a tree and getting some manzanilla then seemed awkward =D

getting a tiny-teeny fruit is like body mechanics in nursing...pulling is better than pushing =D
not until now........ you should try eating this fruit sometime. it is juicy and sweet with granules! =D

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