Friday, April 29, 2011


because it is rain's first time to go to school, my mom gave me a cute notebook that will serve as a my "note" book on how rain started his first week in class. i told her that i have my own diary. she asked me where and i showed her my "first time". i told her it's my blog and it's where i write anything and everything that i want to =D

my topic for this time is about rain's summer class.

DAY 1 - april 27, 2011. Wednesday.

i know that i have to let Rain sleep early the night before his class. Rain is a night person like his dad that he can stay up to 1am if i can just let him do that. i remember that every time our "personalized" spa massager will come here at home, he would not sleep early and can he stay awake as long as we are. and so, i cut his habit of going to sleep every 10pm to 8pm for a week. presto! it worked. the following day, as early as 6:30am, my rain is awake. wide awake =D

one thing i learned from the book about toddlers and preschoolers is that, to be an effective preschooler, you must condition the mind of the child. so, i oriented Rain a month before his summer class. i told him that he will be going to school and he will sing, draw, write, dance, exercise, etc there. i think its effective though because Rain looked forward of being in big school.

so came the first day. we arrived at Christ view for Kids, 10 minutes before 9am. the place, as expected, was full of kids. Rain was welcomed by his teachers. when i led him to his room, he was so anxious. he embraced my leg and told me that he was afraid. i embraced him (no, not his leg =D) and told him that it's okay to be afraid but i will be outside the room and i will be waiting for him there. i kissed him then led him to his room for the second time. it worked when he saw his classmates standing there, waiting for the National Anthem song. as expected, he was not able to follow the Lupang Hinirang song (which i sing to him every morning) but it was fine with me. i know that he'll get used to it.

for the whole period, Rain came out of the room thrice. most of the time, he would gaze outside and check if i am still there. summer was with me and when summer saw the kids, she began asking me if she can go inside the room also. when i told her "no", that's when my problem started. summer was crying loudly outside the building as rain came over to check me. when he saw summer crying, as if pinched to make me crazy, he cried too. i have two crying kids with me and i didn't know what to do. waaaa!!!!

the class started out with a prayer, songs, then the lesson proper. one of the problems that i encountered was when Rain refused to do his seat work. he was supposed to color an apple but i can see that his attention span wasn't that long. when he colored the drawings made by his teacher, he strokes the crayons without looking at the drawings. with that, i asked myself it Rain is really ready for the big school. he's only three years old.

at the end of the day, i was happy because i now have my official two-hour free time to text (social life!) or  have a two hour reading a book which i definitely will bring one tomorrow. i was also ambivalent that my baby boy is now going to school (here we go again with my separation anxiety). perhaps, what he told me inside the bath room before he went to school added up to my separation anxiety. he told me, "mom, can i bathe myself?"awwwww....... my dad fetch us at 11am. never have to worry about the traffic =D

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