Wednesday, March 2, 2011


rain and summer at the "stone"
it was there before i could remember it. the huge stone at our conference hall. well i used to think it is so big, so huge that i couldn't go on top on if until i got taller. i can easily see the stone's head top. some things sure are huge when you're a kid. =D

i used to visit our conference as often as i want to play when i was little. it's the place where we can find our "buhay na bato" .my friends told me that it would turn to gold or money if you have a pure heart. of course i believed them so i kept coming back for more. i know i was little but i want to be rich. i want to buy all the barbie doll in the world. that's me. a horder! =D 

our conference has a wondrous site! you can see the whole cogeo-bagong nayon place when you are at the top of it. it's windy there too. but we can't fly kites because of the sidewalk's rough edges. today, our conference has playground sets to offer children but i noticed, when we went there last week, that the set turned gray and rusty. i hope our barangay captain can do something about it since many children will benefit if they build new playground there.

just last week also, i noticed the increasing number of teenagers dating at our conference. it was new to me. youth right now sure are so expressive that they can do anything, anywhere, without being considerate. well, irregardless of those tiny, bitsy details, i still love our conference. i am attached to it especially that it brings childhood memories within me. that is perhaps the reason why i would like to go there with rain and that someday, conference will have the same attachment to them the way it has to me.
my two wonderful angels. thank God for my gifts!

view from our conference =D

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